Cminor guitar chord

Cminor guitar chord - Apa kabar para pecinta music bertemu lagi dengan blog Kunci Gitar Online Serba Ada , Pada kesempatan kali ini dan di cuaca yang begitu cerah sehingga sangat bersemangat untuk membuat postingan ini. Admin akan berbagi Kunci gitar yang berjudul Cminor guitar chord. Pada artikel ini admin telah menyediakan lirik lagu lengkap dengan Chord atu kunci gitarnya secara lengkap. Semoga sobat dapat menggunakan dan menerapkan kunci gitar berikut ini sesuai dengan yang diharapkan para pembaca setia blog Kunci Gitar Online Serba Ada .

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Cminor guitar chord

Today's Guitar Chord of the Day is Cminor. Cminor can also be written as Cm, Cmin or even C- these symbols all represent the same chord. We'll look at two different fingerings of the Cminor chord, one easy version that doesn't require a barre and a slightly more tricky version that requires a barre on the 3rd fret.

 This first fingering involves playing only the top four strings.
Cminor guitar chord
Cmin guitar chord
Place your fingers close to the frets and listen carefully to make sure each string sounds clearly
Cm guitar chord

The next inversion is very similar but uses a barre at the 3rd fret. Here, you lay your first finger just behind the 3rd fret across the top 5 strings.

Cminor guitar chord
C minor guitar chord
You can also barre across the bottom E string and play all 6 strings if you wish.

C min guitar chord

Minor chords are constructed using these scale degrees: 1, b3, 5
Cminor uses these notes = C, Eb, G

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